Vienna, Dec 17: United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan today said he still hopes for a peaceful solution in Iraq, and urged Baghdad to cooperate with UN weapons inspectors, writing in the Austrian daily Die Presse. "There is still hope for a peaceful solution, if Iraq fully complies with the requirements of the UN Security Council resolutions," Annan said in a commentary.
He called on Iraq to let weapons inspectors have access to any evidence that could aid them in their search for Weapons of Mass Destruction and to verify that its weapons declaration is correct.
"The whole world must hope it will see the citizens of Iraq freed from dependency on the UN oil for food programme, from the threat of war and from repression. But this can only happen if disarmament is complete, and can clearly be proved to be complete," Annan said.
Annan also said he hoped to see freedom and democracy spread throughout the world and an end to poverty and disease.
"Even in view of the crisis in Iraq we should not lose sight of this battle for a world in which no child goes to bed hungry and every child has clean water to drink," he said. Bureau Report