New Delhi, Aug 23: The Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Satya Brata Mookerjee today inaugurated the Delhi Book Fair in which over 300 publishing houses from 19 countries are participating.
The nine-day event, with the theme 'publishing for children', is being orgainsed by India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), in collaboration with the Federation of Indian Publishers (FIP).
"The fair will provide ample opportunities for doing business with publishers from India and abroad," he said inaugurating the 9th annual fair here.
He hoped that the event would provide scope for building new contracts, co-publishing ties, translation and copyright arrangements apart from reprinting of old and rare books and major international works. Mookerjee said books should be published in a more cost-effective manner to extend the reach and help ordinary readers.

The second Saarc Book Fair is also part of the DBF, displaying over 500 children's titles in the principal languages of the Saarc countries.


"Indicating growing popularity of the event, this year's fair booked 12 per cent more display area over last year," FIP secretary general Shakti Malik said.

A total of 19 overseas publishers are also taking part displaying books in nine foreign languages, he added.
Bureau Report