Mumbai, Apr 24: Maharashtra Home department today recommended suspension of two police officials in connection with the initial goof-ups in the investigations into the Rs 3,500 crore stamp-paper racket but gave a clean chit to the then Pune police commissioner R S Sharma, currently holding post of police chief in Mumbai. The report of the home department, which considered findings of the special investigation team (SIT) led by DIG S K Jaiswal and comments of DGP Subhash Malhotra, was disclosed to the media by Deputy Chief Minister Chhagan Bhujbal at a press conference here.
The Home department has recommended suspension of investigating officer P R Deshmukh and assistant commissioner of police M C Mulani, Bhujbal said.
However, the home department gave a clean chit to Sharma, the then commissioner of police of Pune, where the fake stamp paper racket was unravelled, saying he can not be held responsible for any specific acts of commission or omission, on the part of investigating officer and other supervising officers. Bureau Report