Jerusalem, Aug 24: In order to get over the recent impasse in the peace process in light of the suicide bus bombing and the Israeli retaliation, Palestinian security agencies have started taking preventive measures against the militants in the Gaza Strip. The authorities have uncovered and closed three tunnels in the border town of Rafah, which had been used by terrorists to smuggle weapons and drugs from Egypt into the Gaza Strip, Haaretz newspaper reported.

Several policemen have also been deployed in northern Gaza to prevent firing of Qassam rockets at the Negev town Sderot. 13 militants have been arrested there, 12 of whom are weapon smugglers. Exchange of fire between security forces of the Palestinian authority and Hamas activities has also been reported.

"It was too early to assess the seriousness of the steps taken but that the picture would become clearer in coming days," Ha'aretz quoted sources in the Israel defence forces as saying.

Foreign ministry official Gideon Meir was quoted as saying that the actions taken were not enough, and Israel expected Palestinian security chief Mohammed Dahlan to arrest those involved in violence against Israel.

Meanwhile, the paper quoted sources as saying that "Yasser Arafat will be expelled from the territories after the next big terror attack." Bureau Report