Bangalore, Oct 24: India Inc. could be losing over Rs 20,000 crore annually in direct losses, due to poor power quality and operating environment related 'downtime,' first ever study to calculate network power downtime costs in India has revealed. The loss is estimated to be around two per cent of the gross output of the total industrial and service sectors, the study jointly conducted by the Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT) and Emerson Network Power (India) said.

It was carried out during August-September 2002, covering 325 Indian firms spread out over six locations -- Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad -- and eight industry segments -- Telecom, IT services, IT enabled services, ISPs, Banking and Finance, Services sector and Manufacturing (Process and others).


Information on downtime experiences, typical causes and solutions adopted and reactions to 'uptime' was sought from the senior level executives by research-based consulting firm Feedback Consulting, MAIT said.

The findings were released at the MAIT national conference on "Designing Uptime into your Business" here today. Bureau Report