New Delhi, Oct 17: Textile minister Kashiram Rana said today India's handloom exports are expected to register a 20 per cent growth this fiscal to touch Rs 2600 crore. Speaking at the inauguration of a handloom fair here Rana said India would tap new markets like Australia and New Zealand besides building up presence in other markets like Canada and European Union for achieving this target.
He said that the country would also benefit from withdrawal of Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) accorded to apparel exports from Pakistan by European Union for efforts to rein in trade in narcotic substances.
Under this system, Pakistan was given 15 per cent additional quota to EU apparel markets besides provision of duty free access. Handloom exports from India stood in the region of nearly Rs 2000 crore last year.
Rana also said that handloom exports had showed a massive upward trend with 80 per cent growth during April 2002 touching Rs 226 crore as compared to Rs 125 crore during the same period last year.
He also noted that exports of made-ups (small items) were showing greatest potential as compared to fibres.
On the issue of establishing a brand name for domestic handicrafts, Rana said government would think about the same.
The minister said nearly Rs 100 crore had been earmarked by government towards special rebates for offloading stocks of handlooms under a programme announced by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee recently.
Rana sought the help of state governments for strengthening handloom boards. Bureau Report