Lucknow, July 22: Notwithstanding BJP's plea that its ally and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati should abide by coalition dharma, she has gone about administering the state caring little about the saffron party. And ironically, Mayawati has been helped by feud among BJP's top leadership in the state.
The major reshuffle in state police administration in the state capital, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's parliamentary constituency, last Saturday not only signalled that Mayawati would brook no interference in her administration, but also brought to fore once again infighting among state BJP leaders. The police reshuffle in general and the suspension of Lucknow senior superintendent of police B B Bakshi in particular is understood to have rubbed senior BJP leader and mayawati cabinet colleague Lalji Tandon on the wrong side since Bakshi is considered close to Tandon.
Tandon, who reportedly met Mayawati after announcement of the reshuffle, was told that she had effected the changes after obtaining a green signal from the top.

Ironically, Tandon, a member of Mayawati cabinet, was a strong advocate of BJP supporting sharing of power with BSP soon after assembly polls in march this year had produced a badly fractured verdict.
Tandon found little support from state BJP president Vinay Katiyar and his predecessor Kalraj Mishra who came to Mayawati's defence saying it was the Chief Minister's prerogative to transfer officials to improve law and order.

Bureau Report