Mumbai, Nov 28: The Supreme Court would hear on December 2 a special leave petition filed by a city lawyer seeking transfer of the investigations into the multi-crore fake stamp paper racket registered in various states to CBI. The petition filed by advocate Mukesh Vashi under Article 32 of the Constitution also urged the apex court to monitor CBI probe into the scam which had widespread ramifications.

The petitioner alleged that the Maharashtra government apparently wanted to shield important persons holding top positions and was reluctant to hand over the probe to CBI.

The petitioner said from newspaper reports he had gathered that top police officers had traded charges against each other on favouring or victimising some accused.

The scam is spread over 16 states and Maharashtra and Karnataka had no jurisdiction to probe the cases in other states.

He also alleged that former Pune Police Commissioner R S Sharma is facing the charge of going soft on prime accused Abdul Karim Telgi. As the investigations were lopsided CBI should be asked to take over, he argued.

Out of 20 members of special investigating team, 19 are in employment of Maharashtra government and therefore they were susceptible to pressures from the state in regard to the probe conducted by them in this case, he said.

The petitioner said so far the state had not probed as to who were the beneficiaries of scam money. Top police officers are making allegations and this is hampering the probe, he said.

Bureau Report