New Delhi: The year 2016 has started off in a rather sad note for actor Sonu Sood, who lost his father Shakti Sagar Sood. Sonu Sood's father breathed his last on February 7, 2016 at their residence in Punjab. According to Indian, the talented actor's father had respiratory issues for some years, and that perhaps was the reason he preferred to stay in Moga, rather than shift to Mumbai with son. He was 77 years old.


The report further claims that Shakti Sagar Sood fell down while having a conversation with son and was immediately taken to the hospital, where the doctors said he died of a cardiac arrest. The actor's mother Saroj Sood had passed away eight years ago. He has two sisters, both married. The actor was quoted as saying that after the sudden demise of his father, he feels shattered. 

He even added that as it is he was yet to overcome the death of his mother, and now with this dad's death, he can't really come to terms to it, as now of.

The cremation is expected to take place on February 9, Tuesday.