A member of one of the four Afghan groups negotiating their country's post-Taliban future said that there would be an agreement on Saturday on the composition and size of an interim government, a larger Supreme Council and security arrangements.
Houmayoun Jareer of the so-called Cyprus group told a news conference at the talks venue in Bonn on Friday that some differences remained but that an eight-member committee drawn from the four groups believed there would be an agreement on Saturday. The opinion of the group of eight is that we can bridge the differences and you can hear the result tomorrow, Jareer said.
“There are still some differences over details but we are working these out. We hope very soon we will have a definitive agreement,” He added. He made clear that this would be an overall agreement covering the vexed question of whether a multinational security force would be deployed in Afghanistan.
“We are close to reaching an agreement on that issue,” He added.
Bureau Report