Hamburg (Germany), Aug 27: The head of the UN nuclear agency accused the United States in a German magazine interview of effectively breaking a ban on the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction through its research into so-called "mini-nukes." Mohamed Elbaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told the German weekly 'Stern', in its upcoming Thursday edition, that double standards were being used.

"Double standards are being used here. The US government insists that other countries do not possess nuclear weapons.

"On the other hand they are perfecting their own arsenal. I do not think that corresponds with the treaty they signed."

He warned of the risk of a new nuclear arms race.

"Nuclear weapons are more prized than ever. Today, there is serious talk of deploying nuclear weapons. Dictators want to survive too."
Elbaradei's comments came after the United States said that it was interested in research into small-scale nuclear weapons such as bunker-busters.

Bureau Report