New Delhi, Aug 04: in the wake of rising terrorist threats, a new security apparatus will be thrown around major ports and foreign going merchants ships from July 2004, the Rajya Sabha was informed today. "The enhanced security measures will be applicable to foreign going merchant ships and port facilities from July 1, 2004," minister of state for shipping Dilip Kumar Gandhi said in a written reply. About 200 foreign going ships, 12 major ports and nearly 30 minor ports in the country are required to comply with the new security provisions of IMO'S international code for the security of ships and port facilities (ISPS code), he said. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist strike in us, the International Maritime Organisation adopted new provisions in the international convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974 and the international code for the security of ships and ports facilities to enhance maritime security. Gandhi said the government has nominated director general of shipping as the 'designated authority' to oversee the implementation of new security regulations.
Replying to another question, he said state-run shipping corporation of India's single hull ships have not been banned from entering into the Europeon waters. Only some european countries have banned entry of single hull ships.
Bureau Report