Jerusalem, Aug 10: Israel will continue to build a security barrier to protect itself from Palestinian attacks, despite protests and threats of sanctions from its US ally, Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom said today. Shalom said that Israel would take American objections into account "as much as possible" but was determined to find ways of protecting Israeli citizens, including settlers.
"The security barrier will continue to be built despite our disagreement with the United States over its route," the chief Israeli diplomat said. Washington, in a rare break with Israel, is concerned that the barrier between Israel and the West Bank could complicate negotiations on the borders of a future Palestinian state, the goal of a US-sponsored peace "roadmap."
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said Washington is considering whether to penalise Israel for construction of the barrier by withholding some of nine billion dollars in loan guarantees for the Jewish state. But Shalom said, "We will find a solution allowing us to ensure the security of all our citizens, including the settlers, that will take into account as much as possible the American concerns."
The issue is expected to feature prominently in talks this week between officials here and William Burns, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern affairs, who is due to arrive Tuesday. Bureau Report