New York, Mar 03: War against Iraq may be the White House's way out of the problem of low consumer confidence and a sluggish economy, a media report says.
'Time' magazine quotes advisors of President George W Bush saying that the economy would surge after the war as relieves businesses start spending and investing to meet the pent up demand.
The advisors also point out that victory in war could jump start a President's stalled poll numbers. With a postwar mandate, they tell 'Time', congressional opposition to his tax cuts will melt away.

"History shows," a top Bush adviser was quoted as saying, "once the shooting starts, the public rallies around the President. And once it's over, this President will use his political capital to get things done at home."

The Bush administration is being helped by John Snow, the new Treasury Secretary, who is putting his skills as a former lobbyist to good use, button-holing legislators on trips to Capitol Hill. Bureau Report