Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Monday said that religious terrorism has emerged as the new menace and the main danger to peace, stability and civilised world order in the new century and called for the fight against it on the basis of widest possible International cooperation.
On the second day of his three-nation tour to focus on the global campaign against the scourge, he spoke candidly to a group of Russian intellectuals and ideologists saying the horrendous Sep 11 terrorist attacks on the United States have highlighted the evil face of this new menace to all peace loving and right thinking people around the world. Recalling that the world grappled with the momentous issues and developments in the 20th century, the Prime Minister said, however, recent events have starkly shown that the beginning of this century has witnessed emergence of terrorism as the main danger to peace, stability and civilised world order. “ When terrorism feeds on religious extremism, its destructive power increases manifold,” he said.

Telling the hosts that Russia has faced the threat in the caucus, Vajpayee said that India has been facing it in Jammu and Kashmir and some other parts for the past decade or more. Bureau Report