
Horoscope Today, September 28 By Astrologer Sundeep Kochar: Virgo, You May Find Yourself Unexpectedly Attracted To Someone

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.



Today brings a different energy for you. Normally, you're reserved, but today you’ll find yourself seeking comfort from friends. Just be sure to confide in someone you trust to avoid being taken advantage of.




If you've been planning a getaway, today is the perfect day to finalize everything. Your finances are in good shape, so go ahead and book your trip. Don’t put it off, as you may end up talking yourself out of it, but this break is something you truly need.




Don’t bottle things up today. If you're feeling frustrated with what’s being said about you at work, it’s best to clear the air directly with the person involved. Address it calmly so it doesn’t impact your work performance.




Dwelling on your problems and feeling sorry for yourself won’t help. Instead, shift your focus to solving them. Do what you can to tackle your issues, and if something is beyond your control, let go of the worry—it won’t serve you.




That wish you made some time ago? It’s about to come true. New opportunities are coming your way, but be sure to carefully consider them before diving in. Stepping out of your comfort zone a little could lead to great things.




You may find yourself unexpectedly attracted to someone. Keep in mind that this is likely just a crush, and they may not share your feelings. Be careful not to get too emotionally invested in something that might not turn into more.




Surrounding yourself with good company is crucial. Lately, you've been worrying unnecessarily about money at work. Spend time with people who lift you up and remind you of your successes to ease your mind.




Love is headed your way in the most surprising manner. Someone you've had your eye on for a while is going to express their feelings. Don’t be alarmed—just smile and embrace the moment.




Your mind is buzzing with ideas at work, and you're eager for your boss to notice your expertise. But be aware that someone might try to block your progress. Identify who this is and ensure you get the credit you deserve for your efforts.




Feeling off today? Don’t overthink it. You’re simply overwhelmed by stress from both work and your personal life. Your mind and body are signaling that you need a break. Try delegating some tasks and don’t take on everything by yourself.




You're always eager to learn. If you’ve been considering going back to school or earning a new certification, today is a great day to start the application process. You’re likely to be well-received, so express your passions clearly, whether on paper or in person.




Is there someone in your life who feels neglected? This person misses you, and they were there for you during tough times. Reach out to reconnect and remind them that you’re still there and open to rebuilding the relationship.