Manila, May 02: Ousted Philippine President Joseph Estrada was flown by helicopter from an army detention camp today to join his ailing mother for her 99th birthday celebrations, court officials said. The anti-graft Sandiganbayan Court granted Estrada who is detained while being tried on corruption charges a 36-hour furlough to allow him to be with his mother on her birthday, court Sheriff Ed Urieta said. He was to be returned to jail tomorrow.

"Under the court order, he could not get out of the house, even go to his home a few blocks away or give interviews," Urieta said. Estrada's mother hugged him and whispered in his ear during their emotional reunion, witnesses at the scene said. Outside the house, police special forces, a bomb squad and anti-riot officers took up positions amid concern his supporters might gather and stage anti-government protests.

Bureau Report