Mumbai: Actor Ayushmann Khurrana, who came into the limelight through his various acts on TV before turning to the silver screen, says he was once rejected by filmmaker Karan Johar's banner Dharma Productions during his initial phase in the industry.


Asked if he had to go to a lot of production offices for auditions, Ayushmann told screenwriter and lyricist Niranjan Iyengar on his talk show "Look Who’s Talking with Niranjan - Season 2”: “I started off with hosting radio shows and red carpet events for award functions. 

“During one such red carpet event, I spotted Karan Johar and directly asked him about giving me an opportunity in his next movie. Karan, who might be getting this often from people, gave me a landline number and asked me to call. 

“I called on the number the next day and the person on the other side said that they only entertain stars,” he added.

Ayushmann, best known for his roles in films like “Vicky Donor” and “Dum Laga Ke Haisha”, will next star in “Agra Ka Daabra”.

The episode of “Look Who’s Talking with Niranjan - Season 2”, featuring Ayushmann, will be aired on Sunday on Zee Cafe.