London, Sept 28: Popularity of Britain's ruling Labour Party has slumped to its lowest level since Prime Minister Tony Blair took office, causing a fresh blow to the leader already battling the worst crisis of his six-year term over the Iraq war. Almost 50 percent of voters, including many Labour supporters, want Blair to quit because of their opposition to his handling of the war, according to a series of polls published in today newspapers.
As Labour's annual conference prepared to open today on England's south coast, a Yougov poll for the Sunday Times put Labour on 30 percent -- three points behind the conservatives and neck-and-neck with the Liberal Democrats, Britain's third main party.
For the first time, all three parties are tied on 31 percent, according to an ICM poll in the news of the world.
It is Labour's lowest rating since 1987 when Neil Kinnock was leader of the party and Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the conservative government.
Worryingly for Blair, voter disillusionment is reflected among Labour Party activists.
A Yougov poll of 301 party members for the observer newspaper found that 41 percent want him to stand down before the next general election, due mid-2006 at the latest.
ICM's poll found that 64 percent of voters no longer trust Blair and 48 percent want him to quit.
Half the British public believe Blair should resign, according to a Mori survey for the Financial Times published yesterday. Bureau Report