Chandigarh, June 24: Haryana government would urge the Centre to suitably amend the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (PNDT) Act for speedy and time-bound disposal of cases by courts. Minister of State for Health M L Ranga said this today after presiding over the first meeting of state supervisory board convened to discuss and seek suggestions on various aspects of PNDT Act for forwarding to the central government for its effective implementation, especially in rural areas.

He said Haryana had been a "trendsetter" in filing complaints regarding pre-natal sex determination and violation of various provisions of PNDT Act. Sixteen cases had so far been filed against erring medical practitioners and 20 ultrasound machines seized in the state, Ranga said. The minister sought the cooperation of members of panchayati raj institutions to play a pro-active role in creating awareness among the general public about female foeticide and asked them to inform health authorities about any illegal abortion or pre-natal sex determination being conducted in their area.

He also called for active involvement of women in combating female foeticide. Bureau Report