Singapore, July 08: Neurosurgeons separated 29-year-old Iranian twins born joined at the head after two days of delicate surgery, but both sisters died today shortly after their parting. The hospital announced Ladan Bijani`s death, then, a few hours later, a nurse involved in the surgery said that her sister Lelah had died.

"Everyone upstairs is crying," said the nurse, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We treated them like family because they had been here for seven months."

Hospital officials did not immediately officially announce the second death.
Earlier, doctors said that Ladan died after they were unable to stabilize her condition.

"As the separation was coming to a close, a lot of blood was lost. The twins were subsequently in a critical state," said Raffles Hospital spokesman Dr Prem Kumar.

The risky, marathon separation procedure began yesterday. Before the operation, doctors had warned that the surgery could kill one or both of the twins, or leave them brain-dead.
The brains of Ladan and Laleh Bijani were separate, but were nonetheless stuck together after years lying alongside each other.

Kumar had warned that controlling the bleeding and moving the twins from a seated position onto separate beds would be a big challenge, and that the condition of either twin would remain largely unknown until they wake up after surgery.
Bureau Report