Washington, May 31: United States has said it was not contemplating military action for a regime change in Iran, but its policy was to "speak" to Iranians to bring about a "transformation" in the country. "We hope Iranian people will make it clear to their leaders that the manner in which they are being led by their political, secular and religious leaders is not moving the country in the right direction," Secretary of State Colin Powell said yesterday.
"We believe transformation should be made by the Iranian people, and that we will speak over the heads of their leaders to let the people know that we agree with them," he said. However, Powell said US was not contemplating "military or other sorts of actions" for regime change in Iran, Syria, North Korea or Libya, as it did in Iraq.
“But everything is always under review. You can't predict the future forever.. The point is, there has been no change in policy," Powell added. Powell, said that Iran has arrested some Al-Qaeda activists but there are others that the US believes are there. "They should do everything to arrest all Al-Qaeda and turn them over to the US or somewhere or do something to make sure that they are not undertaking terrorist activity," he said.
“The US, “said Powell, “has also expressed its concern over Iran's support of Hezbollah and here they are in our list of countries that have sponsored terrorism." Bureau Report