United Nations, July 19: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan will highlight the need for a speedy return of sovereignty to the Iraqi people in a report he will present to the Security Council next week. In the report, which was obtained yesterday, Annan said: "I have kept at the forefront of my thinking the interests of the Iraqi people, especially their demand for the early restoration of Iraqi sovereignty."
"There is a pressing need to set out a clear and specific sequence of events leading to the end of military occupation," he added. "It is important that Iraqis are able to see a clear timetable leading to the full restoration of sovereignty."
The Secretary General noted that his special envoy to Iraq Sergio Vieira de Mello had raised UN concerns with the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), headed by the US-appointed administrator Paul Bremer.
"The principal message" is that "democracy could not be imposed from outside" and that it must originate inside Iraq, Annan said in the 22-page report, which he will present to the Council Tuesday.
He also said "A central concern raised is the current human rights situation, particularly as affected by the actions of the CPA," reminding the CPA of its duty to comply with international laws governing human rights.
"Security remains a priority concern for all the Iraqis with whom my special representative has spoken during this initial period," Annan also noted in the report. "Security, or the lack of it, affects every aspect of life in iraq today in a fundamental way." Bureau Report