Tehran, June 23: Iran's foreign ministry asserted today that the crackdown in France on the people's Mujahedeen armed opposition group was in no way part of a deal between authorities in Tehran and Paris. "There has not been any negotiations or behind-the-scenes deal between Iran and France," spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told reporters.

"France acted according to its international responsibilities, and within the framework of the European Union which considers this movement to be a terrorist group," he added.

According to Asefi, Iranian demands that people's Mujahedeen leaders be extradited "needs to be negotiated", while government spokesman Abdollah Ramezanzadeh later said that the Islamic Republic "has not made any formal extradition request."

Ramazanzadeh also dismissed concerns that if sent back to Iran, people's Mujahedeen members would be harshly treated.

"All those who were in the movement's camps against their will can return to Iran without any fear and we will treat them with clemency. An exception to this are the leaders of the hypocrites," he said.

French anti-terrorist police last week raided the group's headquarters in a Paris suburb and arrested more than 200 people.

Bureau Report