New Delhi, June 12: Call it saffronisation or jail reforms, the women prisoners of Tihar central jail, for a change are all set to hear hymns from the Srimad Bhagwat Gita for three days, to help them "build their character". A social organisation, Bharatiya Charitra Nirman Sansthan is organising the session titled "Charitra Nirman Yojna", which began yesterday in the women`s barrack in Tihar jail, where the lessons of the Gita would be applied to "strengthen the minds of prisoners and show them direction".
Ramkrishna Goswami, founder of the organisation, who would be conducting the three-day workshop, said the Gita was relevant for all ages.
"Every man is caught in a bind regarding the correct decisions to be taken in life. The Gita offers direction in this regard,” he said.
Goswami, who has been conducting such programmes in schools since 1990 and has also done similar programmes at the men`s barracks in Tihar, said "many prisoners were open and receptive to the programme".
Nafisa Hussain, member of the National Commission for Women, who also attended yesterday`s programme at Tihar, urged the audience to take heed of the message.
"You must strengthen yourselves and be prepared to face the world when you go out. To do so you must strengthen your character,” she said. Bureau Report