Srinagar, Sept 14: Defence Minister George Fernandes today asserted there was no incursion into Indian territory by Chinese forces saying the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Himalayan region between the two countries had not yet been finalised. "There is no intrusion in Ladakh ... Our men go to that side and they come to this side. The LAC is there on which a final decision is yet to be taken," Fernandes told reporters on the sidelines of a function organised by Army near here.

Commenting on media reports that Chinese Army had intruded into the Indian territory in Ladakh region, Fernandes said "such cross overs are a routine matter."

General officer commanding of strategic 14 Corps Lt Gen Arvind Sharma told visiting reporters at Leh on Thursday that the Chinese Army was undertaking patrol across LAC in Ladakh due to difference of perception of real LAC in the past.

New Delhi and Beijing have set up a joint military group for final demarcation of LAC after the two sides traded charges of violating it in the past. About the ongoing joint Indo-US military exercises in Ladakh region, the Defence Minister said there was no harm in carrying out such exercises as both countries "will be benefited".

Asked whether conducting joint exercises with US in the strategically sensitive region of Ladakh would expose Indian terrain and territory, Fernandes replied in the negative saying "We too are carrying out exercises in the US. Indian Air Force and Indian Army went to the US and participated in the joint exercises."

Asked if the joint exercises would antagonise China as it does not like u s presence to be so close to its border, Fernandes retorted "it might be your opinion. China would be having its own thinking but they have not said anything."

"Joint exercises are being conducted in rest of the world. There should be no problem in holding such exercises in India," he added. Fernandes said the process of resumption of talks with Pakistan would continue even as there was no change in the situation on the Line of Control on west side of the country.

"The situation is what it was. Not much difference has been witnessed along the LoC," he said adding infiltration from across the border was continuing.

About the recent spurt in the militancy-related violence, he said security forces were meeting the challenge posed.

He said the state government would be able to respond to the question as to whether security lapses or poor security was responsible for the killing of two top counter insurgent leader in the valley, including Kuka Parray.

Asked if the situation was worsening contrary to the claim that it was improving after the formation of the new government in the state, the Defence Minister said, "There are always ups and downs in the situation. It should not be made a debatable issue." Bureau Report