President George W. Bush and his top economic adviser urged Congress on Wednesday to approve a stimulus plan of between $60 billion and $75 billion to avert a steep US recession triggered in part by last month's terrorist attacks.
Bush called for tax cuts for individuals and businesses.
"We've just got to be aggressive and make sure we do what we need to do at the federal level to provide a kick start to give people reason to be confident, and we will do that," Bush said after a meeting with business executives in New York.
Bush said he has considered tax rebates for people or accelerating the tax cuts approved earlier this year. For businesses, the president said corporate tax cuts and investment tax credits are among the options.

Bush made the remarks shortly after Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill told the Senate Finance Committee in prepared testimony that he now expects negative real growth in the current quarter but similar poor performance could be avoided in the fourth quarter if consumer confidence quickly rebounds. Bureau Report