UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday got the Security Council`s approval for the second five-year term beginning January 1 next.
The general assembly has scheduled a vote on Friday to endorse the decision of the Council. The 15 council members took the decision by acclamation. There was no other candidate as it was known for quite sometime that all major powers and an overwhelming majority of the members support giving him another term.
Under the charter, the Council makes the recombination which has to be formally endorsed by the assembly. Security Council approves Annan`s reappointment as UN boss. Annan, a 63-year-old Ghanaian, became Secretary General on January 1, 1997, succeeding Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt.
A former head of the department of peacekeeping operations, Annan is the seventh holder of the office of Secretary General and the first to rise through the ranks of the organisation. Bureau Report