Washington, Nov 22: The US government has issued a worldwide warning that al-Qaeda may stage new attacks. The State Department highlighted "recent terrorist attacks" in Saudi Arabia and Turkey and said yesterday the government "remains deeply concerned about the security of US citizens overseas." The department issued what it called a "worldwide caution" against attacks and plane hijackings.

"We are seeing increasing indications that al-Qaeda is preparing to strike US interests abroad," said the warning, which came one day after 27 people were killed and more than 450 injured in two bomb attacks on British targets in the Turkish capital, Istanbul.

US officials have said the attack bore the hallmarks of Osama Bin Laden`s terror network and the group has reportedly claimed responsibility in an message sent to a Saudi newspaper.

A suicide attack in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on November 8 killed 17 people. A claim of responsibility in al-Qaeda`s name was also made after that attack. The US authorities warned on Thursday that more attacks were possible in Turkey and advised Americans to avoid the country after the twin bombings on the British Consulate and the Turkish headquarters of the British bank HSBC in Istanbul. Bureau Report