Dubai, Nov 09: The international community today condemned the midnight blasts that left five persons dead and wounded nearly 80 people in Saudi capital by suspected al Qaeda terrorists as "cowardly" and "inhuman". "The Arab League Secretary General condemns these terrorist and criminal acts which only aim to destabilize, terrify and kill, without ties to any doctrine, religion, or the (sacred) character of Ramadan," the Muslim fasting month, League spokesman Hossam Zaki said.
"The Arab League denounces in the strongest terms the terrorist campaign targeting Saudi Arabia," Zaki said in a statement.
The six-member Gulf Cooperation Council in its statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said "GCC countries reject all acts of terrorism ... and are determined to pursue their efforts to counter and eradicate this phenomenon."
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yavovenko said Moscow "strongly condemns this major terrorist act."
"We view this as another crime of international terrorism. The criminals' methods leaves no doubt that the people behind this barbaric act have no morals or religion," he said in a statement. Condemning the blasts Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Masood Khan said in Islamabad, "the blasts show that no country is safe from terrorists."
Bureau Report