New Delhi, June 06: A decade after Liberhan Commission began its probe into demolition of the disputed structure at Ayodhya, the Centre today raised doubts over its jurisdiction to go into Union Government's role in the controversy. The Centre asserted before the Commission that as per the terms of reference, it could not inquire into the conduct of Central Government while giving its findings on the demolition aspect of the controversy.

"...The terms of reference do not require to make inquiries into the conduct of Central Government," Centre's counsel Lala Ram Gupta told the Commission, probing the demolition of disputed structure at Ayodhya on Dec 6, 1992.

However, the Centre said the Commission could go into the role of Uttar Pradesh chief minister, his council of ministers, organisations and individuals in the incident.

The Commission has to keep in mind the scope of reference before considering entire evidence on record, he said, adding the terms did not include the role of the Centre.

Maintaining the terms of reference were to look into the events and circumstances leading to the demolition of the disputed structure, the Centre submitted it was not for the Commission to go into the concept of "secularism", "hindutva" and "Hinduism".

Bureau Report