Hitting hard at US and EU attempts to coerce developing countries into new trade issues, Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran demanded that Third World interests should become central theme of WTO's future activities to find a collective solution to difficult issues. Warning against attempts to thrust comprehensive round encompassing investment and competitions issues, Maran said such an agenda would split WTO membership as it was unjust and unfair to developing countries.
After the setback at Seattle, all of us want Doha to be a success. Success, however, does not necessarily require over-reaching objectives or launch of a comprehensive round, Maran said addressing the plenary of the fourth WTO ministerial meeting that got underway Friday. Also the global unity achieved in the wake of the most unfortunate and tragic event or September 11 should not be undermined by proposing an agenda, which would split the WTO membership, he said asking WTO to address the expectation, aspirations and concerns of developing countries on all the issues.
Analysts, however, said it is to be seen how far Maran was able to sustain the crusade against inclusion of extraneous issues in the WTO agenda as the behind-the-scene activities has already begun to bend India to accepting a slightly modified new round by some tradeoffs on implementations issues particularly the health concerns of poor countries.
Bureau Report