Beijing, Oct 02: Love reigned supreme on China's National Day, with more than 1,700 couples tying the knot in the capital Beijing itself. The record number of marriages, five times more than the usual, could be attributed to the twin reasons of it being a holiday and the new marriage regulations which came into effect yesterday.
At the marriage registration office in Beijing, a young couple, Liu Bin and Liu Yan, said they arrived there 5 am though the office would not open until 8:30.
"We wanted to be the first couple to register on National Day, under the new marriage registration," Liu Bin said.
Under the new rules, a couple only has to produce their residents' permit, their identity cards, and three photos to register, thus doing away with letters of introduction from their work place, compulsory medical certificate, or physical examination.
To make it easier for couples taking advantage of the new regulations, civil affairs departments will stay open for the whole National Day holiday week till October seven.
Bureau Report