Pahalgam, June 24: In an effort to regain the ground lost during assembly elections last year, opposition National Conference today said it has started a low profile but intensive campaign across Kashmir Valley to strengthen the party with particular emphasis on south Kashmir. "We are looking at the reasons for our debacle in the last elections and as part of the programme to strengthen the party, we have started a mass contact campaign," National Conference provincial president Mehboob Beigh said here.
Beigh, who arrived here on Sunday to meet his party workers, said the party was concentrating on Pulwama and Anantnag in south Kashmir, where National Conference lost in 14 out of 15 segments in the last year's elections.
Beigh was the only winner from national conference from the two south Kashmir districts where the party had 14 MLAs in the previous assembly. "We are concentrating from Pahalgam to Pampore (both seats currently held by ruling PDP) during this strengthening cum self-introspection campaign," he said.
Asked if the National Conference was symbolically attacking the PDP by starting the campaign from ruling party president Mehbooba Mufti's constituency here, Beigh said it is nothing personal.
Asked why the party had opted for a low key campaign, the NC leader said, "We are not seeking publicity ... We are looking at our weaknesses and trying to figure out what went wrong." Asked if National Conference was foreseeing a midterm poll in the state, Beigh said he did not see such a possibility, at least, until parliamentary elections next year.

“An election in Kashmir is not like an election in any other state of the country. It has national as well as international ramifications and implications. I don't see anything major happening till general elections,” he said.

If there was any behind the scene activity to pull down the present government, Beigh replied in the negative saying, "We are a responsible opposition and will play that role."

Beigh, however, lambasted the ruling PDP-Congress coalition for failing to deliver on its promises as, he claimed, there has been no end to human rights violations or decrease in violence in the state. Bureau Report