Washington, Oct 12: The United States is helping the Iraqi people to build a stable, just and prosperous country and is following a clear strategy to achieve that goal, President George W Bush claimed. In his weekly radio address to the nation, Bush said, "six months ago this week, the statue of Saddam Hussein came down in the center of Baghdad, and Iraq began the transition from tyranny to self-government.
"The goal of our coalition is to help the Iraqi people build a stable, just and prosperous country that poses no threat to America or the world. To reach that goal, we are following a clear strategy."
The American President said coalition forces in Iraq were actively pursuing terrorists and Saddam holdouts, adding international cooperation in the reconstruction and security of Iraq was also being looked at.
"We are working closely with Iraqi leaders as they prepare to draft a constitution establish institutions of a civil society, and move toward free elections", he claimed.
Bureau Report