Washinton, Apr 28: Rainy days may be a bliss for some people, but if you are among those who are allergic to mold, wet or humid weather can compound your misery.
Molds are fungi that come in a variety of species and live both indoors and outdoors in dark, damp or wet places. The real culprits are mold spores - tiny bacteria produced by mold that become airborne or water-borne. As many as 250,000 spores could fit on the head of a pin, according to a report in News24.com.

In heavily contaminated areas, a person might breathe in as many as 750,000 spores per minute. People who are mildly allergic to molds, symptoms can include nasal stuffiness, eye irritation or wheezing. Among those who are more seriously allergic, however, symptoms can include fever and shortness of breath.


Prolonged exposure to mold in certain occupational settings, such as farms, is a particular concern. Farm workers continuously exposed to moldy hay, for instance, can develop a condition called Farmer's Lung, which causes fatigue, a chronic cough and other symptoms, the report said.

If you are sensitive to mold, experts advise avoiding places outside that might have high levels of mold, such as wooded areas, compost piles, hay bales or cut grass. Indoors, you can take steps to decrease mold exposure by keeping humidity levels below 40 per cent, it added. Bureau Report