Vienna, Nov 14: Iran warned of an "international crisis" if the united nations nuclear watchdog refers the issue of its nuclear program to the UN Security Council. Such a move by the international atomic energy agency (IAEA) could "escalate the issue into an international crisis," said Iran's representative to the IAEA, Ali Akbar Salehi.
The IAEA's board of governors is to meet next week to consider whether Tehran is in compliance with the safeguards agreement of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).
It will be studying a report from IAEA chief Mohamed Elbaradei that accuses Iran of covert nuclear activities over the past 20 years, including making plutonium and enriching uranium, but said there is as yet no evidence Tehran is trying to build an atomic bomb, according to a copy obtained by the media.
The United States wants the IAEA board to decide at its November 20 meeting to refer Iran's case to UN Security Council, which could in turn impose punishing sanctions on the Islamic republic.
In an effort to avoid the issue being sent to the Security Council, Iran has over the past month provided a full report on its nuclear activities, admitting to violations of nuclear safeguards agreements, and increased its cooperation with the IAEA.
Salehi said that there would be "unpredictable consequences" if the IAEA goes ahead with declaring it in non-compliance and putting the issue to the council.
Bureau Report