New Delhi, Oct 01: Bangladesh accepted India's contention that its river linking project was only at conceptual stage as the two countries concluded the 35th meeting of the Joint River Commission here late last night. "India has told us that it is at very early stage.... We must allow them....time," Bangladesh water resources minister Hafizuddin Ahmed said while addressing a joint press conference along with his Indian counterpart Arjun Charan Sethi.
The two-day talks, which were to conclude by this evening went up to past midnight to sort out the differences and later the two sides arrived at a consensus with the two ministers signed the agreed minutes of the meeting.
In reply to several questions on the proposed project, Sethi said that Bangladesh did raise the issue but India insisted that the proposal was only at conceptual stage and there was nothing to discuss on the issue. Sethi said that the river linking project was among the "miscellaneous items" that came up for discussion.
The Minister said there was no difference of opinion on the agenda fixed by the two sides and the discussion were held in a cordial atmosphere and in a spirit of give and take.
Bureau Report