Washington, Feb 01: Under pressure from Capitol Hill, US President George W. Bush is considering an independent panel to investigate pre-war intelligence on Iraq that he used to justify war, and aides are discussing it with Congressional officials, sources familiar with the talks said. Sources yesterday said a decision could come in a matter of days.
Bush had rejected an independent investigation amid White House fears of a political witch hunt by Democrats hoping to unseat him in this year`s presidential election, but began in recent days to reconsider the position.
``I want the American people to know that I, too, want to know the facts,`` Bush told reporters on Friday.
He is under strong pressure from both Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill to accept an investigation into intelligence that said Iraq possessed chemical and biological weapons and was developing a nuclear weapon, all issues Bush used to justify war against Iraq last year.
The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a range of options for such a panel was being explored and that an agreement was hoped for soon.
The White House would not comment.
Vice President Dick Cheney was involved in some of the discussions with members of Congress but the negotiations were being led out of the White House, sources said.
Bush, who travelled to Philadelphia to attend an election-year strategy session with Republican members of Congress, was asked there about intelligence on Iraq by Senator Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania.
Bureau Report