Kolkata, May 24: The Revolutionary Socialist Party today called for implementation of land reforms throughout the country by the Congress-led government at the Centre on the lines of the West Bengal and Kerala model. The RSP leader and Rajya Sabha member Manoj Bhattacherjee told his party was expected to finalise its stand by tomorrow on the draft Common Minimum Programme which was circulated by the Congress to its allies and supporting parties.
"The party's central committee members will meet here tonight and we are likely to finalise our stand by tomorrow on the CMP. We will inform our decision to other left parties CPI(M), CPI and Forward Bloc," Bhattacherjee said.
"We (the Left parties) can exert our control on the programmes of the present government at the Centre," he said.
Outlining the priorities the party wanted the new government at the Centre to implement, he said, besides extensive implementation of land reforms on the lines of the West Bengal and Kerala model across the country, his party wanted adequate steps by the new government to improve the conditions of the agricultural sector and the rural poor.
"We are also against the entry of multinationals in agricultural business," he said.
"We will also like the government to stop the policy of indiscriminate disinvestment in public sector units pursued during the previous NDA regime. We will demand progressive labour reforms, proper utlisation of the national renewal fund so that the retrenched industrial workers were given adequate compensation and relocated in other jobs."
Bureau Report