New Delhi, Oct 27: A Pakistan web newspaper has claimed that Islamabad regime had bugged the room of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah during his recent visit and it came to the knowledge of the visitors who even removed the "bed sheets" from the suite where he was staying. Quoting police sources, the US-based newspaper said that some bed sheets had been removed from the royal suite. The real concern was about bugging devices in the room which, the security officials feared, had been detected by the royal guests, even before Prince Abdullah had entered the suite.
Apparently the Saudi secret police accompanying the royal guest carried out their own scanning and detected that the room was bugged. They ripped apart all the devices and restored the room for the Saudi monarch, who was not informed until the schedule was over and the guests were leaving the Punjab House, the newspaper claimed. Both Saudi and Pakistani government kept silent about the episode "but certainly the guests expressed their anger and disgust when they left the room. It was all ripped apart to show the non-professional Pakistani agencies that they had been caught and disarmed," the newspaper said. It said if Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf paid a quick unscheduled visit to Saudi Arabia soon, he would obviously be addressing the embarrassment and apologising for the "unauthorised" behaviour of his agencies. Bureau Report