Jammu, Feb 20: Maintaining that the dialogue between Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani and Hurriyat Conference is a serious negotiation to find amicable solution to Kashmir imbroglio, Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed urged all other groups that have shown disinclination to join the process in the larger interests of the people of the state. Replying to the debate on the motion of thanks on Governor's address in the legislative assembly here this evening, the Chief Minister said that he would make sincere effort to bring these groups also in the ambit of dialogue and expressed optimism that they would respond positively as the process progresses. He said there was no other option for restoring peace in the state. He said people's yearning for end of violence and bloodshed was manifested in their massive participation in the last assembly elections. The results of the election, he said, served as writing on the wall for perpetrators of violence that people want peace and normal life to restore in Jammu and Kashmir. Sayeed said the dialogue process had its own momentum and it would not be derailed by aberrations here and there. He said the turnaround in situation in Jammu and Kashmir was the responsibility of the entire country even as the coalition government in the state had embarked upon a strategy to restore peace with dignity and address the people's grievances. He said this strategy had met with impressive success and appreciation. He said his commitment to restoration of peace was widely acknowledged even though initially some people had termed him as soft on militants. Everybody was now speaking the language of peace, he said, adding the situation in the state was now relaxed and people were feeling greater sense of security. He said that state government has facilitated creation of atmosphere for initiation of dialogue process to address both internal and external dimensions of Kashmir imbroglio. Bureau Report