Nepal has appealed to the underground Maoists and its frontal organizations not to abet the royal Nepalese army and other security personnel to join the organization. The defence ministry in a press statement issued said, ''We appeal to the underground Maoist and its frontal organizations not to abet the royal Nepalese army and other security personnel to join their organization.'' It also asked the undergrounds to stop threatening the families of the security forces. ''It is necessary to maintain patience and understanding at a time when the government and Maoist are trying to resolve the problem through talks,'' the statement said. The Maoists have been threatening the people to quit the job in the army and join their organisation to establish a republican state.
The government and the Maoists held first round of talks to end the insurgency, which had claimed more then 1750 lives since the outbreak of their movement six years ago. The second round of talks would be held soon.
Bureau Report