Ahmedabad, Nov 17: The ministry of defence and America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration have initiated a battery of tests on 78-year-old Prahlad Jani, who has managed the astounding feat of surviving without food and water for the last 60 years.
Although the nature of tests that will be conducted on this elderly resident of Charada village in Gandhinagar district have not been divulged yet, doctors at the Sterling Hospital, where he has been under observation for the past 20 days, said his medical reports will be sent to the Indian Medical Association and the testing by Nasa will follow.
Speaking to The Asian Age, Jani said: "Doctors have collected several urine and stool samples and I have been told that doctors from the US will also be visiting me and conducting tests." The doctors, however, have not told him what the objective of the tests is. Dr Sudhir Shah, a neuro-physician at Sterling Hospital who is heading the team of doctors conducting tests on Jani, said, "We are trying to understand how he been able to remain so fit without food and water for so many years."
Dr Shah said: "Nasa is involved in the project which is being coordinated by the MoD and has issued specific guidelines not to disclose any details about Jani." The hospital has thus directed that no one should be allowed to meet him.
Dr Shah said Jani’s body mechanism will be monitored for 20 more days and then doctors will submit a report to the Indian Medical Association. Since Nasa is engaged in this project, doctors from the United Sates would also be performing several tests on him.
While the hospital authorities have set up elaborate security arrangements for their very special patient, his uncharacteristic appearance has attracted the attention of a number of visitors. One of them, Daxesh Panchal, said: "His godly appearance is evident from his lively face and it is a miraculous feat. No one except the Almighty can have the ability to achieve this."