Trinamool Congress Parliamentary Party on Monday demanded resignation of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, but said it would support the Government when the issue comes for voting under an Opposition censure motion in Lok Sabha on Tuesday. The party unanimously decided to vote for the Vajpayee Government "in the interest of stability", but said the Prime Minister should ask Modi "to resign in order to restore the confidence of all including minorities in Gujarat", according to a resolution passed at the meeting Monday afternoon.
It said Trinamool Congress had sent a team of its MPs on March seven to Gujarat which had "reported that the state administration could not rise to the occasion to maintain law and order".

The Parliamentary Party also deplored the "human tragedy and carnage in Gujarat which had caused losses of hundreds of innocents lives, especially of the minorities", it said. Besides Trinamool Chairperson Mamata Banerjee, other MPs present were Sudip Bandopadhyay, Ranjit Kumar Panja, Nitish Sengupta, Akbar Ali Khandokar, Krishna Bose, Bikram Sarkar, Ananda Mohan Biswas (all Lok Sabha) and Dinesh Trivedi (Rajya Sabha). Bureau Report