Damascus, Nov 02: Arab, Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers today discussed the crisis in neighboring Iraq and the impact of the US-led war on the region, but Baghdad's interim government snubbed the conference after being insulted by a last-minute invite. In a draft final communiqué, the ministers denounced terrorist groups operating inside Iraq and called on US-led occupation forces to restore security and stability to the country.
The talks were taking place as violence flared again in Iraq, with the shooting down of a US Chinook helicopter believed carrying dozens of soldiers to R&R leaves. Coalition officials said at least two people were killed and 20 injured. The foreign ministers of Syria, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan, plus the largest Arab country - politically influential Egypt, gathered in a downtown Damascus hotel early Sunday for talks, which Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari had rejected invites to attend.
During preliminary talks Saturday, the ministers contacted Zebari to ask him to the forum. Zebari had already rejected Syria's last minute offer Friday and said the US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council would not accept decisions taken by the meeting. Baghdad has not attend any of the regional group's previous meetings in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Bureau Report