Washington, Sept 30: While court fights continue, President George W Bush has signed legislation to ratify the Federal Trade Commission's authority to set up a US do-not-call list that could lead to fines for telemarketers. "The public is understandably losing patience with these unwanted phone calls, unwanted intrusions," Bush said. "Given a choice, Americans prefer not to receive random sales pitches at all hours of the day. The American people should be free to restrict these calls."

Businesses that solicit people on the list for telemarketers could face fines. Federal communications commission chairman Michael Powell yesterday said his agency would enforce the penalties because the FTC was prevented from doing so by a federal judge's order. "FCC rules have not been disturbed by recent court cases," Powell said.

His intervention was the latest twist involving a do-not-call list containing more than 50 million telephone numbers sent in by people who say they don't want to be bothered by telemarketers.

US District Judge Lee R West ruled in Oklahoma city early last week that the FTC lacked authority to run the registry. That prompted Congress to quickly pass a bill clarifying the agency's role. Bush signed the measure at a white house ceremony yesterday. However, the legislation did not address other court fights that have thrown the list into legal limbo.

Bureau Report