Mumbai: Salman Khan had announced in the weekend episode that the latest eviction will take place according to the votes cast by the inmates of the house.


Digangana and Suyyash were nominated by captain Priya last week. And if the reports are anything to go by, then Digangana will be evicted from the house.

The teenager has been unwell for quite a few days and has not been able to be part of any task. Moreover, she hasn’t been able to generate any interest around her and hence she was chosen over Suyyash by the inmates for this week’s eviction.

Suyyash is far more popular than Diggy. His real life chemistry with girlfriend Kishwer and friendship with Prince have been appreciated by the audiences.

His elimination would have certainly upset Kishwer.

But going by the reports, Diggy’s elimination will pave the way for the entry of not one but two wild card entrants.