Patna, Jan 24: Even as the NDA today claimed that the Patna High Court's observation that Bihar was a fit case for imposition of President's rule vindicated its stand, RJD vice-president, Raghuvansh Prasad Singh said the court's comments were not in keeping with the constitutional decorum. "Everybody, including the government, should honour the court's verdict. But such comments are not in keeping with the constitutional decorum," Singh told reporters who sought his comments on the high court's observation.
Senior BJP leader and leader of the opposition in Bihar Assembly, S K Modi said the court's observations had vindicated the NDA's stand that the situation in the state warranted central rule.
Modi said BJP would consult legal experts before sending its delegation to meet President A P J Abdul Kalam seeking appropriate action in the context of high court's observations.
Alleging that the Congress, which was supporting the Rabri Devi ministry, was equally responsible for the ills of Bihar, Modi urged the congress to make its stand clear on whether it wanted Central rule in Bihar.
In a severe indictment of the state government, the Patna High Court had yesterday termed its decision to recruit over 34,000 primary teachers as nothing but an election stunt and observed that the court could certify that Bihar is a fit case for imposition of President's rule. Bureau Report