Washington, Oct 13: Information technology experts, chief executives of specialised manufacturing concerns and skilled machinists are among the increasing number of white-collared opponents to free trade, owing largely to the shifting of back-office jobs to India and China. In a front-page dispatch, The Wall Street Journal reports that these white-collar free-trade opponents are linking up with organised labour and oldline manufacturers, deepening the opposition in the US to liberalised trade and making Congressional passage of any trade pact more problematic.

"At the focus of their ire are big US companies that have shifted businesses to China and India, which are becoming increasingly successful at nabbing service, IT and high-end manufacturing work that until recently have been the preserve of US firms", the report said.

Pointing out that the new combatants have already made a "surprisingly deep impact" on US policy, the report said the lead comes from an unexpected source, co-founder of Intel Andy Grove who wants government intervention to prevent Indians and Chinese taking away American jobs.
He himself is exporting jobs, because he confesses that his concern for American workers is in conflict with his duty to his shareholders who benefit from outsourcing in countries like India and China. Bureau Report